I’ve been waiting to share the news with a wider audience. I have started a new role as Director of Analytics for the City of Chicago. Chicago has a ridicuously strong and wide-ranging open-data community, with strong support from the mayor to a group of volunteers who meet weekly to hack on city data. Instead of being a volunteer myself, I will be working with many of the sample people in a new capacity.
I am tremendously excited to enter this new role and am very lucky. Government, research, and policy have been in my interests for a long time. I am lucky to be working during this exciting phase where governmental bodies are using data and research to improve the quality of life for citizens, increase transparency, and improve services.
So, this blog has been quiet lately, but I hope to post small bits of analysis on Chicago throughout my daily work. Hopefully I can dedicate more time to write on the behind-the-scenes of creating data visualizations and analysis.
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