Baseball Stats

ESPN’s interesting article on pitch count also contained some ugly graphs. The articles thesis is on starting pitchers now regularly pitching fewer than 100 pitches. Exhibit 1: Transparency and Area Charts Area plots don’t work well when they overlap. The above chart had to use transparency, which makes it difficult to associate colors with the […]

Selection Bias and Online Dating

New York Times has an article on the science behind online dating sites, like eHarmony and, that base matches on intensive surveys. The article notes: Gian Gonzaga, senior research scientist at eHarmony, said that studies his company had conducted of married people who met through eHarmony and a control group who met in other […]

To standardize or not standardize?

Andrew Gelman compares standardized and unstandardized coefficients. Gelman has previously written a paper which addresses most of the shortcomings to unstandarized coefficients (e.g., raw coefficients, the stuff you see as a default) and addresses the issues brought up in the post. Unfortunately, he didn’t address the problems I was most interested in seeing. He writes: […]

New York Times’ Take on Business Cycles

The New York Times built an interactive graphic on business cycles since the the early 1970s. Instead of displaying a business cycle as something that looks like a sine wave, NYT uses a Cartesian plane with each quandrant representing either expansion, slowdown, downturn, and recovery. They use industrial production as a proxy for the business […]

Using to upload from Picasa to Flickr – Repost

Below is a re-post from the original genericface blog. By far the most popular post, it has been replaced by easier tools, such as picasa2flickr. Original date: March 14th, 2006 Picasa is by far my favorite photo management software. Flickr is the arguably the best online photo sharing site (Zooomr is a rising competitor). However, […]

Bayes is the New Black Presentation

From 2007 International Society for the History, Philosophy, and Social Science of Biology in Exeter, England. <script async data-id=”4e80f3b81c938e0060000353″ data-ratio=”1.3333333333333333″ src=”//”></script>