Mason City Globe-Gazette is discussing the future of the Iowa Core Curriculum, a statewide standard-based curriculum, and quotes the new director of the Iowa Department of Education: “I honor and appreciate the effort and work that has been put into it up to this point. There are a lot of people who have poured [sic] […]
Author: Tom
Statistics – Lecture Notes 1/13/2011
A link to the Excel spreadsheet I made throughout class is below. A link to the images below the fold. In-class Excel Worksheet – 1/13/2011
Statistics – Homework #1 Posted
Click here for homework (then click Download). Due Tuesday, January 13th before 5:45p via email. If you have questions, either email or post a comment below.
Statistics – Lecture Notes 1/11/11
We will use technology to a great extent in this class, including the posting of lecture notes and files. Below the “fold” (click More…) you can find images from Tuesday’s class. Below is also a link to the data set we will be using. Survey of Basic Classroom Data
Computer terminology & literary terms
Search the frequency of words from books scanned by Google. Above shows the trends between the words to describe storage space in computers (e.g., hard drives) and “denouement“–a literary word to describe the dynamic structure of a story.
Econ 102 – Final
Can be found here. Due Sunday by 11:59p. You may not work with anyone. The use of textbooks, notes, and internet is allowed.
Homework #3
Download here. Due December 14th.
Iowa Projected Revenues Up Again
As expected, the Iowa Revenue Estimating Conference are estimating higher state tax revenues for the current and next year than previously thought. Last year, I predicted these revenue estimates would be underestimated. These models tend not to predict changes in the economy, so they tend to overestimate revenues during recessions and underestimate revenues during economic […]
Econ 102 Lecture Notes – 11/09/2010
Audio Notes
Radio Iowa on community college enrollment
By Kay Henderson