Politics can’t be captured as a one dimensional left-versus-right framework. So when one notes that young people are Democrates and older folk tend to be Republicans, it doesn’t capture the complete spectrum of political beliefs. Are 18 year-olds Democrats because they believe in individual liberty, such as abortion and drug possession, or because the favor restrictions […]
Author: Tom
Meet the Faculty…
Click the image for the full article.
The (Iowa) Community College Student
Presented to ALOP 282 at Drake University.
On Why We Don’t Need a National Student Unit Record System
The 2008 College Affordability Act prohibited the U.S. Department of Education from establishing a student unit record (SUR) database. The database would contain individual student information of any student who attended a higher education institution eligible to receive federal funds (i.e., almost all). The bill killed those hopes of a national SUR for awhile but […]
Recessionomics: Unemployment Rates
From A Historical Look at the Labor Market During Recessions. (via Cafe Hayek via Economist’s View)
K-12 Expenditures per Student and Performance
Below is a plot showing the relationship between the density of students receiving free and reduced lunch and the percent making progress in mathematics in Iowa school districts. Families with limited income are eligible for free and reduced lunch, so it’s a proxy for poverty. The regression line shows the negative relationship between free and […]
Non-economic Benefits to Graduate-student Unionization
I’ve done quantitative research on graduate-student unionization before. In my research I found unionization has a modest effect on increasing wages and little to no impact on reducing wage inequality for graduate assistants. However, I wasn’t able to investigate non-pecuniary effects of unionization. For instance, a union may want to specify manger-employ protocol. University of […]
Organizing Email Sent Directly to You
I wrote about this four years ago elsewhere. I just remembered it and posting it here for posterity (and for my own memory). Original Date: March 20, 2006 Awhile back Lifehacker ran a post on how to highlight emails sent directly to you in Microsoft Outlook. Later, they showed how to “gray out” email not […]